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Compact sensor module with integrated motion detection (PIR), light intensity measurement and light control unit.
Due to the horizontal detection angle (150 °), the sensor is particularly suitable for wall mounting, e.g. in corridors.

DALI CS can be configured with the DALI Cockpit Software to send various DALI commands upon motion detection to either the entire DALI system, groups or individual addresses.
The module also contains a light sensor to deactivate motion detection when there is sufficient lighting. Activating the integrated light control unit enables Dali constant light control in a simple manner.
Short-term external brightness fluctuations (e.g. car headlights) can be dealt with using the adjustable time hysteresis.
Several sensors can be used in a group; the sensors are synchronised automatically.
The device is powered directly by the DALI bus.

It is available in two different versions: for indoor and outdoor use (IP65).

DALI CS Corridor
Art. Nr.: 86459432

DALI CS Corridor IP65
Art. Nr.: 86459432-IP65

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