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The latest innovations and additions to the Lunatone product portfolio are summarised here:

From small systems to extensive large installations, Lunatone offers a suitable control solution.

The push button couplers have been updated, DALI-2 certified and with the added NFC access they are now more practical than ever.

The touchpanel has undergone a design upgrade both in software and hardware in order to achieve an edge-to-edge glass front and an extra slim profile.

Also the Display received an update with several customisable control pages, buttons and sensor monitors and a flexible, user friendly interface. The new hardware is available in two sizes, 4″ and 7″.

For next level control we suggest to have a look at the DALI Room Controller. It is the perfect solution for all small installations. The device provides both the bus power supply as well as a Bluetooth 5.0 connection to the smartphone app DALI Cockpit Mobile. The App allows quick and easy addressing and commissioning of all connected DALI devices. Additionally the app offers a convenient user interface for device control.