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Want to know more about DALI?
Courses 2024 – Lunatone controller applications


  • Lunatone product portfolio
  • DALI basics
  • Concept Lunatone Controls / Examples
  • DALI Cockpit Software Tool
  • Hands on Training 1: Applications Broadcast
  • Hands on Training 2: Applications Addressed
  • Error diagnosis and tests

Date and Location:
Lunatone headquarters in 1210 Vienna, Austria
Course dates can be found below
For courses in German language see German website.

Requirements & Costs:
For registration, please send an e-mail including your complete address and desired date to:
The number of participants is min. 5 and max. 12 people. The order of registration follows the date of receipt. Registrations are binding.

Euro 490,- (excluding VAT)
included is 1 piece of DALI USB 30mA worth Euro 275,92.
Please bring a laptop with installed DALI Cockpit software.

DALI Training


location date language duration
Vienna 18th – 19th of September 2024 English 2 days: 12:00-16:30 & 9:00-12:00